Creating high performing organisations
Our Services
Our goal is to help organisations become high-performing environments where all employees feel safe, respected and included.
Critically, legal obligations for employers are increasing. Meeting these varied obligations under different regulatory systems can seem complex or overwhelming.
Diversity and inclusion are inextricably linked to high performance. Research shows that diversity and inclusive practices, actions, teams and leaders drive excellence. Our 4 systems-1 solution approach is designed to:
Assist you to effectively prevent and respond to inappropriate workplace behaviours including bullying, harassment and discrimination
Meet obligations administered by the four workplace regulators – Fair Work, Safe Work, the Workplace Gender Equality Agency and the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
Embed diversity, equality and inclusion practices to attract and retain talent, and ensure all employees thrive in the workplace
Create trust in systems, enhance psychological safety and establish ‘safe to speak’ environments through leading practice
Sustain positive workplace culture and practice as ‘business as usual’ to move organisations from good to high-performing.
In June 2018, Australia's then Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins, announced a national inquiry into sexual harassment in Australian workplaces. The aim was to understand the systemic drivers and risks that enable sexual harassment, and identify positive solutions to reduce its prevalence. This National Inquiry was led by Intersection’s Principal, Natasha de Silva.
The ground-breaking Respect@Work Report of the National Inquiry has led to significant workplace obligations and legal reform, including the introduction of a positive duty to prevent sexual harassment for employers.
You can’t change what you don’t know, especially when many inappropriate behaviours in workplaces are underreported.
We’re able to quickly and deeply understand your unique organisational context and culture, to assist your organisation to become a thriving and safe environment that attracts and retains the best diverse talent.
Our strengths-based approach to workplace culture assessments examines positive practice, as well as identifying systemic barriers to a safe and respectful workplace, through our drivers and risks framework. Our practice is trauma-informed and person-centred, prioritising the wellbeing of workplace participants at all times.
Our team will work closely with your leaders to develop practical, evidence-based solutions to both prevent, and better respond to incidents of sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination and other inappropriate behaviours.
For an example of our workplace culture reviews, see the Safe, Respectful and Inclusive Behaviour Review report for Chevron Australia and the Independent Review into the Productivity Commission.
We recognise that many workplaces already undertake significant activity to nurture a positive workplace culture and that not all organisations will require an in-depth review. In these instances, we can conduct a cultural health check to understand the impact of initiatives already undertaken and identify any areas that may benefit from future focus or work.
Workplaces that are diverse and inclusive can maximise their outcomes when it comes to performance and capability. As specialists in creating and maintaining safe, respectful and inclusive workplace cultures, we can help your organisation to accelerate its diversity and equality goals, in order to develop a workplace that is truly inclusive for every employee.
Additionally, we support organisations in times of crisis to effectively and sensitively address workplace behaviour issues, review and develop policies and procedures for consistency with evolving workplace law. We also provide support in exceeding Respect@Work positive duty obligations.
Truly independent surveys can be an evidence-based method for deeply understanding how your employees experience the workplace, and can provide a benchmark against which future change can be measured. Workplace behaviour surveys can also play a key role in informing a workplace risk assessment.
Intersection is highly experienced in conducting surveys on employee experience of bullying, harassment and discrimination. Our surveys can assist in establishing a baseline measure on the prevalence of inappropriate workplace behaviours against which any future change can be measured. They can also give you insights into employees’ awareness of policies, procedures and grievance mechanisms, along with insights into the reasons inappropriate workplace behaviours may be going unreported. The surveys can also elicit employees’ ideas for change and improvement.
Importantly, our surveys are designed with trauma-informed practice, with our methodology complying with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.
Practical implementation of research, law and policy is our focus. We have extensive experience in conducting research to inform practice and developing guidelines to explain law and policy.
Examples of our work include:
Guidelines on collecting diversity data, in partnership with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (forthcoming)