Intersection’s Consulting Team

Working closely with Principal Director Natasha, Intersection’s highly experienced Consulting Team ensures an unparalleled understanding of current and past issues across myriad sectors.

Trish Low
Principal Consultant

Trish is a highly regarded workplace consultant and employment lawyer.

Over more than two decades, Trish has built a unique career in the human rights, diversity and inclusion space, working in private legal practice, executive level government policy and research roles, and as a trusted workplace investigator and advisor.

Trish’s passion for social justice, equality and inclusion led her after 17 years in private practice to executive level research and policy officer roles in government. Trish was a senior member of the team responsible for delivering the Australian Human Rights Commission’s landmark Respect@Work report as part of the National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces, and the Set the Standard report arising from the Independent Inquiry into Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces.

As a workplace consultant, Trish has partnered with leading corporate entities, institutions, professional bodies and not for profit clients across a broad range of industries, to provide practical workplace diversity and employment law advice, conduct sensitive workplace investigations and cultural reviews, and design and deliver practical and engaging workplace education programs for boards, executives, managers and team members on diversity, appropriate workplace behaviour and employment law topics.

Nevo Rom

Associate Principal

Nevo is a social worker and social policy professional with over 10 years experience across policy development, research, advocacy, and program management.

Over more than two decades, Trish has built a unique career in the human rights, diversity and inclusion space, working in private legal practice, executive level government policy and research roles, and as a trusted workplace investigator and advisor.

His experience spans issues including violence against women and children, sex discrimination, child rights and youth offending. Nevo has held a number of senior policy roles in the NSW Government and at the Australian Human Rights Commission, providing leadership on high profile reviews including the:

  • Independent review into gymnastics in Australia (2021).

  • Racial equality review of Basketball Australia (2021).

  • Independent review of residential colleges at the University of England (2019).

Nevo is also a sessional academic at the University of Sydney School of Education and Social Work and holds a Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) from the University of Sydney and a Master of Philosophy in Public Policy from the University of Cambridge.